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Apart from making muscle mass more evident, ANADROL gives energy bursts which are invaluable for people engaged in endurance sports such as cycling, long-distance running and any aerobic activity. ANADROL is particularly effective for people at risk of muscle wasting and also for those who suffer from muscular and/or joint pain. How is ANADROL used? It is typically used either as a pre-workout, post-workout or as a post-workout-boosting supplement. It is also sometimes mixed with other energy and performance enhancing substances in order to boost total energy expenditure, which is especially useful in those who take caffeine and/or other stimulants. How does ANADROL differ from other energy drinks? ANADROL is different from other energy drinks in its formulation: Not all energy drinks are created equal: many contain little to no caffeine. Some sports-specific energy drinks, such as the popular energy drink ZERVOUGE, are high in carbs (a source of fat). The ingredients of ANADROL can be formulated in a number of different ways, such as water or concentrate, and its ingredients can vary depending on where it is being consumed. While caffeine is available in different forms (see below), the ingredients of ANADROL typically contain NO caffeine. It can also contain a variety of ingredients other than caffeine such as other ingredients such as: Natural flavouring flavours (such as flavouring syrups or essential oils) Mixed extracts such as essential oil blend (such as essential oil tinctures) Oils that have been heated, such as tinctures and lotions, which can contain additional ingredients such as: Alcohol (alcohol, ethanol, methyl alcohol and propylene glycol) Food flavourings (such as monosodium glutamate) Natural flavour enhancers Lactose Potassium sorbate Alcohol (alcohol, ethanol, methyl alcohol and propylene glycol) This means ANADROL can be drunk in much the same way alcohol is drunk at drinks where alcohol is served to the consumers. It is difficult to predict what type of drink is likely to contain ANADROL and you must conduct your own research to determine the best ANADROL drink. Some people who regularly take ANADROL and may be concerned about its effects on health may think that alcohol may be the most appropriate drink to be drinking to boost their ANADROL consumption, but this is not the case. Alcohol increases heart rate Related Article: